80 Pantry Labels ESPAÑOL
80 Pantry Labels ESPAÑOL
The best way to organize your pantry is with our labels, make your life easier with our simple and beautiful labels!
Our labels are printed in a peel and stick white matte vinyl. Our material is waterproof, but we do not recommend submerging it. Simply clean them with a cloth.
Pick a set and a label size, and on the "personalization instructions" box prior to placing your order write down the font that you would like.
For a custom set select the custom label option with the size and set that you want and in the "personalization instructions" box and enter the names you would like on your labels.
Jars are not included.
Set of 20:
1. Harina
2. Almendras
3. Polvo de Hornear
4. Baking Soda
5. Miga de Pan
6. Azúcar Morena
7. Azúcar
8. Marañón
9. Chispas de Chocolate
10. Café
11. Maicena
12. Aceite Oliva
13. Pasta
14. Quinoa
15. Avena
16. Arroz
17. Té
18. Vinagre
19. Nueces
20. Levadura
Set of 40 (previous 20 plus the following):
21. Mantequilla de Almendra
22. Vinagre Balsámico
23. Arroz Basmati
24. Frijol Negro
25. Nueces de Brasil
26. Arroz Integral
27. Cereal
28. Chia
29. Cocoa
30. Aceite de Coco
31. Galletas
32. Harina de Maíz
33. Galletas
34. Dátiles
35. Harina sin Gluten
36. Granola
37. Avellanas
38. Miel
39. Miel de Maple
40. Manías
Set of 80 (the previous 40 plus the following):
41. Harina de Almendra
42. Vinagre de Manzana
43. Dulces
44. Harina de Pan
45. Crutones
46. Frijol Colorado
47. Biscuits
48. Coco Rallado
49. Harina de Coco
50. Sal
51. Chocolate Oscuro
52. Arándanos Secos
53. Chips
54. Higos
55. Frutos Secos
56. Garbanzo
57. Cubos de Azúcar
58. Panko
59. Arroz Jasmín
60. Lentejas
61. Arroz Sushi
62. Marshmallows
63. Té verde
64. Semillas de Girasol
65. Pretzels
66. Mantequilla de Maní
67. Pecanas
68. Stevia
69. Frijoles Pinto
70. Pistachos
71. Poporopos
72. Avena Instantanea
73. Pasas
74. Harina de Coco
75. Pasta sin Gluten
76. Maní sin Sal
77. Macadamias
78. Aceite Vegetal
79. Vinagre Blanco
80. Harina de Trigo Integral